Ethics statement
It's important to continuously improve how my business is run - both its footprint, how I work for my clients and ways to influence my industry. Here I set out my objectives and targets for recording, monitoring and improving - to lessen impact.
Nature (biodiversity: marine, freshwater + terrestrial)
Farmed + laboratory animals
Future generations

- Promote healthy interiors using healthy materials,
- Visual / acoustic / thermal comfort
- Use biophilic elements
- Use healthy design principles to support health
- Look after my health + that of those working with me

- Use certifications to ensure working conditions and pay of workers in supply chain, avoid child labour
- Living Wage Brighton
- Address inequity in the interior design industry

- Guide clients to responsible products and materials - high quality products with a long life
- Pressurise supply chain to improve practices
- Raise awareness within industry

Raise awarenees in the industry for its multiple impacts including climate change through Interior Design Declares + professional body BIID

Advocate for biodiversity - freshwater and marine within my work and my industry
- Be aware of whole lifecycle impact of specifications and designs
- Share learnings

Advocate for terrestrial biodiversity within my work and my industry
- Be aware of whole lifecycle impact of specifications and designs
- Share learnings
To open the eyes of the interior design industry to the all the negative impacts it has on animals, people and planet - and to guide it to positive, fair, next generation, regenerative, circular positive alternatives.
To have the most positive impact on improving my industry - and to be in the right place needed to achieve that.
To deliver beautiful, consciously created spaces and products - and to work with my industry to do the same.
B Corp certification
I've been really fortunate to experience the workings of an ethical business and I have tried to incorporate those learnings from The Body Shop International HQ into my own business. Materialise Interiors is proudly one of the 2,300+ B Corps in the UK , 6,000 globally + 28 in Brighton.
The company has been B Corporation certified from April 2023 - progress will be published each April in the B Corp Impact Report.
As a B Corp in the interior design industry, Materialise Interiors is counted among businesses that are leading a global movement for an inclusive, equitable, and regenerative economy. Read more on B Corp here. Recertification happens every three years with an expectation for improvements each time.
The company has a combined Carbon + Nature Impact Reduction Plan.
Ongoing: review of goal progress in line with company objectives
Measuring date: Fiscal year end (end March)
Reporting dates: Impact Report published on Earth Day 22nd April. Giving Back mid year progress reporting part on the company's birthday (18th November)
Progress, 24-25:
Book 'Sustainable Interior Design' for RIBA Publishing out May 24
Panel discussions: Clerkenwell Design Week, New Designers, Decorex, Planned: Biophilic Design Conference, Sustainable Style
Podcasts: Business and Interiors, A Well Designed Business, Journal of Biophilic Design
GIVING BACK - volunteering
Ongoing: Volunteering - British Institute of Interior Design (BIID) Sustainability Committee + CPD assessment panel
Software development
Work with software provider Mydoma Studio to include CO2e values on products + finishes - WENT LIVE Dec 23 - nudging global users of the software to make more conscious specification choices
Digital carbon
Website carbon reduced from 697.19kg CO2e/yr, to 84.61kg CO2e/yr) Mar 24
Brighton Energy Coop 'Solar Bond offer' (£300 July 23) For local community projects Cardinal Newman School, Shoreham Port 4 buildings + a warehouse at Newhaven Port
GIVING BACK - 5% donation commitment
Ongoing: Ontrack and exceeded
GIVING BACK - charity projects
New Charity project for DITCH THE LABEL Oct - Dec 23 + began work on for HARRIET'S OF HOVE Community Space Mar 24
GIVING BACK - microfinance loans
Ongoing: Loans to women-owned businesses in Global South - new loans to be solar loans or biodiversity related
GIVING BACK - volunteering
Ongoing: Volunteering - running of Interior Design Declares . Responded to + guided members on responses to the government consultations: FR Consultation + Future Homes Standard
Biodiversity footprint
How to measure this? Embed alongside carbon measuring
Social impact
More work to do here on understanding impact and measuring
Client project carbon footprints
Not all elements used in projects have a CO2e value. Limited amount of suppliers providing carbon footprint calculations per item, per m2 etc. calculations for services are unknown. Action: ask Brighton Uni for help
Circular economy suppliers
How to calculate Reused items? See Carbon Values
Software support
Need software to monitor and calculate carbon footprints. Action: contacted Free Agent 7/12/22, 7/2/23.
Business insurances
Currently through BIID professional body provider and where it is invested is unknown. Action: asked BIID to investigate more responsible insurance - impacting all members June 23
Client engagement
Clients are not always engaged in reducing carbon footprint in their designs
Find less obvious carbon used by business
Scope 3 - Part 3: Find more responsible providers for insurances, broadband and address anything else missed
Home office limitations
Suggestions: Timer on heating, solar panels and insulation (Small 99 calculator + BHESCO energy survey)
Supply chain transparency
Need more screening of suppliers. More carbon-valued products. More EPDs. Difficulties sourcing cruelty free + vegan products without legal definitions + full of loopholes
Site waste
More work is needed here - ways to engage project teams.
Customer stewardship
Ensuring impacts are managed on their behalf: products, services, waste. Ensuring no greenwashing. Create a Data & Privacy Policy. Improve feedback process.
1. business operation: carbon emission impact
Fiscal year 23-24 MEASURING
- Scope 1: 1.49 kg CO2e (previously 0 ) INCREASE
- Scope 2: Heat, power and light - 0.2 tonnes CO2e (previously 1.3 tonnes). REDUCTION. Website 0.71g CO2e per view (previously 0.78g) REDUCTION
- Scope 3 9,440 kg CO2e (previously 1,178.27kg) INCREASE
OFFSETS: Renewable energy projects: 6 tonnes + 560 trees = 11 tonnes CO2e
SUB TOTAL 23-24: carbon emissions 11.13 tonnes CO2e (prevously 2.59 tonnes) INCREASE
TOTAL: Emissions less offsets = 0.13 tonnes CO2e (previously minus 6.41 tonnes)
In summary, Net Zero only achieved using offsets - and client projects aren't included.
Progress reported annually to the SME Climate Hub - next reporting deadline: October 1, 2025
Baseline year 2019 not fully measured yet
Measuring impact of clients' projects?? Calculation not yet included. Still work to do here, although progress with software and in discussions with University of Brighton on carbon value calculations. Materials bought for clients are Category 1 Scope 3, Purchased Goods & Services. If specified only they are “Advised Emissions” and go into Use of Goods and Services, in Scope 3, but this is an evolving area of accounting. See CHALLENGES
Pension was a personal pension previously, so not included in business expenditure - from 2023 it is a company pension, so is now included in the company's measuring and a reason for this year's increase in carbon value. However it is ethically invested and measures 23 tonnes rather than 64 tonnes with previous opaque pension. Currently no way of differentiating this on Net Zero reporting - as the Greenhous Gas Protocol doesn't include pensions. FCA Sustainabfility labelling is coming. NB. other avoided impacts of chosen pension are animal agriculture/fur/leather, tobacco, gambling and weapons. Also investment in plant based meat alternatives
This year's increase in carbon value also due to unusual amount of air travel this year - LA book promotion trip
Target previously referred in error was the SBT Net Zero 2030 target (500+ employee companies). Officially adjusted, however still aiming for this ambitious target of Net Zero 2030.
Now have a Carbon + Nature Impact Reduction Plan
Concern that treeplanting is not immediate offsetting - switch to mangrove planting and other fast carbon sequestering methods.
OFFSETTING: Next year look at Nature-based carbon avoidance (Gold Standard) + Wildflowers, wetlands and wildlife - habitat restoration (Ecologi + Soil Association)

- Clean Growth UK scope measuring
- Website Carbon
- MotherTree pension measuring
2. business operation: other impacts
Ethical banking since day one
Starling Bank, previously The Co-operative Bank
Ethical pension - switch from opaque to ethical pension now means a reduction from 64 tonnes to 23 tonnes CO2e a year and avoids investment in fossil fuels, weapons and animal agriculture.
I used Mindful Wealth for my switch. Use MotherTree measure your financial carbon impact.
Involved in local sustainability and Circular Economy groups >24-25: part of new B Local group<
Sussex B Corp, Clean Growth Platform, Circular Brighton and Hove
Electrical waste - computers, old phones, cables and small electricals donated to TechTakeback
Living Wage commitment: Brighton & Hove Living Wage Campaign
3. clients' projects: carbon emission impact
FOOTPRINT Scope 3 - Clients' projects IN PROGRESS. This is the largest part of company's footprint and the hardest to influence and improve.
1. Giving back
Running totals shown, from 2005 to date:
5% of my company's gross sales are donated to charities, community interest companies & non-profits - this includes offsetting and microfinance lending in developing countries (treeplanting, wind, solar, rainforest preservation, Lend With Care microfinance loans to likeminded fellow small businesses and Gold Standard projects) as follows....
Homeless and refugee charities, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA Business Friend), WaterAid, Marine Conservation Society, Kit Tarka Foundation, League Agains Cruel Sports, Friends Of The Earth, Surfers Against Sewage, Rowdy Girl Animal Sanctuary, The Green Centre, the RNLI. See list at foot of page.
MICROFINANCE LENDING running total: 67 loans. Using the Lend With Care scheme, supporting green energy, community banking, women owned and food production small businesses. New loans to be solar loans where available
Using the Lend With Care scheme, supporting green energy, community banking, women owned and food production small businesses
CARBON REDUCTION of carbon used in the running of my company and also in my clients' projects is my prime aim. Offsetting only what I can't reduce is done currently via nature restoration & reforestation, carbon avoidance projects and cookstove donations
Switched search engine to Ecosia
Ecosia - running total: 10,227 searches = approximately 204 trees
CARBON AVOIDANCE verified carbon avoidance projects (wind, solar, rainforest preservation): running total: 28 tonnes
NEXT: Nature-based carbon avoidance (Gold Standard)
Verified carbon avoidance projects: (up to end 23) Solar PV electricity generation in Indonesia: 2 tonnes, Renewable Energy Power Project by DDWL, India: 4 tonnes,
To end 22: Wind Energy in Andhra Pradesh, India: 9.10 tonnes, Solar power generation in Tamil Nadu and Telangana, India: 7.20 tonnes, Preserving Amazonian rainforest in Brazil: 3.70 tonnes,
COOKSTOVES running total: 11 tonnes CO2, through providing locally-produced cookstoves which are more efficient and safer too use - and decrease the use of wood by around 70%. This reduces carbon emissions by around 2 tonnes per family per year and also leads to reduced smoke & an improved living environment. Consequently, forest areas are protected and women spend less time & energy collecting wood. running total: 11 tonnes
Cookstoves projects: 11 tonnes to date (22-23 = 5 tonnes | 22-23 = 4 tonnes | 21-22 = 2 tonnes) Gold Standard - Fairtrade Project: Improved cookstoves for women, India
*NEW*: WILDFLOWERS, WETLANDS + WILDLIFE RESTORATION, running total: 10 sq m | TREE & MANGROVE PLANTING running total: 3,743 planted | total is part of the Million Tree Pledge
25 are planted for each new full project + 25 more upon completion | 25 are planted for every successful client referral | 10 are planted each consultation
23-24: trees and mangroves planted = 560 | 22-23: trees and mangroves planted = 515
NEW: Wildflowers, wetlands and wildlife - habitat restoration (Ecologi + Soil Association)
Verified schemes used :
Amazon For Life: Restore, Reforest, Reconnect, Santa Cruz - Bolivia
- OneTree Planted (now mangroves planting * and previously trees) ,
- Ecologi - part of Million Tree Pledge,
- previously trees were donated through the Green Earth Appeal
*MANGROVE PLANTING protects coastlines and river banks, restoring biodiversity in ecosystems - and stores 5 to 10 times more carbon than land ecosystems. Total: 1,146
Non-verified planting (by me):
One oak planted at Broughton Hall - thanks to Jarvis Smith of My Green Pod!
Trees (5) planted at Spanglewood, Sussex - thanks to Emma Payne + Paul Spendley
Investment in innovative, ethical businesses. Currently Biohm, Avallen and Brighton Energy Cooperative.
£300 Brighton Enery Co-op
Sharing knowledge: Mentoring: support for designers who are new to the industry with an interest in sustainability
Two currently - student and graduate
1,225 hours donated, running total: pro bono work for charities, community, volunteering, charity and fundraising projects, running of Interior Design Declares and mentoring
BE MY DEDICATED CHARITY: Two days (14 hours) a month are on offer to one charity. So if you are a charity in need of design help, please contact me.
Terms: Maximum of 6 days spread over 3 months per charity is offered as a donation from Materialise Interiors. Time is logged on a weekly timesheet and covers all input. Any additional help needed during that time is charged at the regular hourly rate.
To date: School Bus Project, Mile Oak School Science Bus project, Cycling UK, Changing Streams CIC, volunteering on the Professional Practice Commitee of professional body the British Institute of Interior Design , Brighton Dome & Brighton Festival
Support nature-related positive action - campaigns, petitions, lobbying
Support with me!
- Ask your election candidates to back the cross party Climate and Nature Bill
- Support Earth Day 22nd April - join the campaign for free, send a donation to keep the campaign going and the research happening, or sign up to a Great Global Clean Up near you @earthdaynetwork.
- Earth Overshoot Day: talk about, promote and donate to
- Share Action campaigning against the financing of fossil fuels
2. Influence my industry
I feel strongly that our industry needs to open up, be more transparent and share knowledge. We are a highly polluting, resource using, carbon emitting industry.
I am a co-founder and active Steering Group member of INTERIOR DESIGN DECLARES. Set up in March 2021, our initiative encourages change in our industry with the two main objectives being Climate Change and Biodiversity Loss. We are part of BUILT ENVIRONMENT DECLARES (previously known as Construction Declares).
Our pledges here.
Collaborate - Inspire - Educate - Campaign
My company and eight others joined together to get the interior design's declaration set and published.
3rd Birthday Social - gathered 60 signatories at The Building Centre, London for talks and networking, March 2024
Futurebuild stand and panel discussion, March 2024
Decorex panel series - 2023, and set for 2024
Panel discussion participation for industry events (regular)
Sharing learning through our quarterly newsletter
Developed a SUPPLIER QUESTIONNAIRE for designers to use
Partnered the UK scientist fire retardant chemicals campaign and UK government FR chemical consultation
Partnership with Decorex to make the event more sustainably focused and run, along with a series of Decorex X IDD panel discussions
Campaigns supported: Flame retardant chemicals, Future Homes, Paint With Kindness, Not Cruelty
IN THE UK Fellow UK designers and suppliers of goods and services to the interior design industry, please join us at:
DECLARATIONS IN OTHER COUNTRIES We are also helping other countries to join our Declaration. To date we have been joined by Finland, who will hopefully be closely followed by the United States.
If fellow designers would like to set up a Declaration for their country, please email us at: [email protected]
Registered Interior Designer
As well as collaborating with my industry through Interior Design Declares, I am involved with the professional body the British Institute of Interior Design (BIID).
We are slowly waking up to our responsibilities to people, planet and animals. We need to share knowledge and improve our learnings to carry out out work with a far lower impact.
The British Institute of Interior Design is a non-profit organisation is owned and governed by its members and maintains high standards for our profession, acknowledging and educating on our impacts and making it inclusive for those missing from the industry who should be enjoying this complex yet exciting career path.
Registered Interior designer - full member since 2013. 𝐉𝐨𝐢𝐧 𝐮𝐬!
Updates to the BIID Strategic Plan
Part of the inaugural BIID Sustainability Committee to encourage Sustainability throughout the organisation and our members. One five year term served.
Co-writer of the Sustainable Specification Guide, launched September 2021, being updated 2024
Devising the Sustainability Strategy for the overarching Strategic Plan for the organisation
Judge for BIID Student Challenge 2021
Continuing Professional Development (CPD) assessment panel member - ongoing
Sustainability Showcase 2022 - delivered talk on Next Generation Materials with Masters student mentee Sadie Millermaggs
Talking part in panel discussions, writing articles on behalf of the BIID - ongoing
Most recent

co-founder + founder member
The International Vegan Interior Design Association (IVIDA) was formed following a series of events which started with Vegan Interior Design Week launched by Australian-German interior designer Aline Dürr, with a follow up week of Vegan Interior Design Sessions co-ordinated with support from Vegan Business Tribe.
Aline and I both felt a community was needed next to assist designers on their journey.
Set up in 2024, IVIDA is the first global initiative dedicated to uniting interior designers, suppliers, and businesses committed to ethical, sustainable and health-supporting design practices.
Our group offers free membership, ensuring accessibility for vegan designers worldwide. We host regular virtual meetings and collaborate through a private Facebook group. 𝐉𝐨𝐢𝐧 𝐮𝐬!
3. SHARING KNOWLEDGE: General public

B Corp community
Networking with fellow B Corporations, sharing knowledge and advice.
I'ma member of Business Declares is a not-for-profit organisation formed by senior leaders with a range of experience from the SME, B Corp and FTSE100 sectors. We are official members of the UN Race to Zero team for COP26. We believe that business has a major part to play in tackling the climate, ecological and social emergency. Better Business Act signatory

Group of designers, design studios, agencies and institutions declare a climate and ecological emergency.
With 8 acts of emergency: read more HERE

Nature advocacy
Restore Nature Now march June 2024
BUSINESS FOR NATURE signatory July 2024
Joined ACAN's Ecology group October 2024
PESTICIDE USE BAN Call for ban on pesticide use in urban areas (gardens, parks, other urbans green spaces) - the poisionous pesticide chemicals are used currently are harmful to biodiversity (including bees, butterflies, wildflowers) + humans. We can manage without them (banned by France in 2018, also Denmark + Luxembourg). Sign here:
END THE BADGER CULL Call for ending the Badger Cull. Call for an immediate end to all badger culls operated by the UK government in England. Sign here:
NATURE RESTORATION Weald to Waves Garden + Greenspaces project. Establishing a 100 mile nature recovery corridor across Sussex. Connecting this fragmented landscape will boost biodiversity, capture carbon, enhance food production and enrich the rural economy. Pledge here:
Animal Welfare advocacy
'PAINT WITH KINDNESS, NOT CRUELTY' Naturewatch Foundation campaign collaboration:
The charity Naturewatch Foundation campaign - for current household product animal testing ‘ban’ to be revisited. Loopholes currently exist in the UK ‘ban’ on animal testing of household products which was introduced in November 2015. Sign here:
Campaign is backed by Interior Design Declares and the International Vegan Interior Design Association (IVIDA)
I'm collaborating with the Naturewatch Foundation charity, supporting their 'Paint With Kindness, Not Cruelty' campaign - highlighting loopholes in the ban which has existed in UK law for nearly 10 years.
While all finished product paint in the UK is no longer tested on animals in accordance with the ban, there is little clarity over the ingredient testing status. This means while paints are marketed as 'vegan' or 'cruelty free', the paint could be made up from a composition of animal tested ingredients.

Myself and Natalie Harney - Naturewatch Foundation's Animal Experiments Campaign Manager were invited to a meeting with the British Coatings Federation head office to meet their CEO, Sustainability Manager and Regulatory Affairs Manager.
The BCF's members are 95% of the British paint market. We discussed this supply chain opacity issue and how we can begin to work together to improve transparency in the industry. It was an open and positive meeting + I really look forward to sharing our progress.
Inequity in the Interior Design Industry
My industry is not at all diverse and I support the initiatives that are in place to encourage equity and designers from all backgrounds. Through United In Design and the British Institute of Interior Design, I offer mentoring help to new designers and students.
Peer to peer support
If fellow designers would like my help in operating their business more responsibly - get in touch as I offer a peer to peer support services